“Aap Badho Desh Ko Desh Badhao”
Inaugural function of
Lead India 2020 Training Center.at Narkuda,Shamshabad.R.R.Dist
2Days Orientation Programme for Teachers Empowerment
Date : 2nd to 3rd May 2012
Venue : Lead India 2020 Training of Trainers Center,at Narkuda,Shamshabad, R.R.Dist.
Guest of Honor:
Dr.Chukka Ramaiah,MLC.
Mr.Laxminarayana CBI,Joint Director
Prof. Dr N.B.Sudershan Acharya, National Coordinator,Lead India 2020 Foundation.
Prof .Y Arun kumar Acharya, Dr.V.Nagesh garu, Smt.P.Chudamani garu
Mrs.Usha Rani, Chairman Meridiam Schools.
Mrs.Preetham Singh, Founder Person group
Mrs.. Nagaeshwari principal G.Pulla Redy High
Mrs.Chudamani, A.P.State Coordinator,Lead India 2020.
Mr.Satish Sarpanch Narkuda
function of Lead India 2020 Training center.
function of Lead India 2020 training centre was held on 2nd to 3rd
June ,2012 9am at Narkuda Village Shamshabad.
programme was started with the rituals and then followed by welcome.
hounurable Chief Guest of event were MLC.Dr.Chukka Rammaiah, Mrs Usha Rani
Chairman Meridian Schools, Mrs.Preetham Singh, Founder Pearson group Mr.Satish
Sarpanch Narkuda, Social worker Mr.Yadagiri goud, and Mrs.. Nagaeshwari
principal G.Pulla Redy High School.
Rani Chairperson Meridian Schools felt very happy to take part in a programme
where empowerment of teachers was taking place, as teachers are the mode for
the development of Children.
Preetham Singh Head of Pearson group said that Mr.Sudershan Acharya was the one
to pick up the stone among the pedalers, who has taken the initiation to
develop youth through lead India 2020 Movement.
Principal G.Pulla Reddy High Schools School spoke about the importance of
training to the teachers.
Sarpanch Narkuda,felt lead India 2020 as a divine work with the blessing of Kodanda
Rama Swamy, Ammapally.
Goud ,a social worker, first of all thanked Lt.Col.Mr.Laxma Reddy who has
donated the building to Lead India , which is going to train the youth to be
good citizen, and will be the part for development of India .
Sudershan Acharya Founder & National Coordinator Lead India 2020), thanked Lt.Col. Laxma Reddy donor of the building.
Head of the village Ratha Saradhi
Yadagiri Goud and Sarpanch Mr Satish for the cooperation given to establish a training centre in their
village. He also thanked
Mr.D.N.Ramakrishna Reddy (Principal Oasis School of Excellence, Ammapally,
Shamshabad) for support & effort to make this programme successful.
said” Upadhyayule Desha Nirmanakulu” teachers are the builder of the Nation.
Mr.Chukka Ramaiah the honourable Chief Guest felt fortunate to get opportunity to participate in the inaugural function of Lead India 2020 training centre.
He said that divinity inculcates in education, the Character of people. The school should be God’s Sannidhi, He appreciated great Goal of Mr.Sudershan Acharya and he compared Acharya with Malaviya, as Acharya did not hesitate to approach anyone to fulfill these Goals for his Country.
He spoke about Brahmasutra as Vidya is the information transferring from teachers soul to students soul. When a cotton and stone are rubbed (interaction) the fire comes out, in the same way ‘when the teacher and students soul interact, the result is fruitful.
He advised to the teachers that knowledge is not just imparting through the books ,but to develop a child in such a way that he explores the world through 5 W’s and 1H .
Teacher must be a Tapaswi and should think more about the society than himself.
He said Dr.Aacharya is a Tapaswi who is creating patriotism in students and hence called as Guru.
reminded the words said by Swami Vivekananda Indian Should imitate the
Character of foreigners that “Think more about society than your own home” he
also said N.B.Sudershan Acharya gathered
all the teachers to inculcate the habit of following duties first and later the
rights of Indian Constitution.
whole concentration of world is on teachers as they are originators of future,
i.e., the reaoon the concentration of Acharya in on teacher community and
teacher must be a good speaker and a
good writer previously in our generation we use to have role models like Bhagat Singh, Gandiji etc., but for the coming
generation, whom are we going, to show as role models. So we should convert
ourselves as the role models for coming generation.
Mr.Sudershan Acharya said that as teacher we should not only impart knowledge
but also train the students in such a way, that they can solve their problems
by themselves.
chief Guest Chukka Ramaiah was honoured by the distinguished guests
of Thanks: - Mr J.Jagan Mohan Reddy Garu, concluded the session by giving vote
of Thanks.
2nd Day
Chudamani State Coordinator Initiated the speech, saying that Lead India 2020
is a twinkling star in a dark cloudy sky.
N.B.Sudershan Acharya said we should take Mr.Laxminarayana CBI as role model,
to build our Nation. Who is honest and dedicated officer.
Arunkumar Acharya spoke about scientific Values and global skills.
Alapati an enthusiastic person. Filled energy in the teachers. He said that it
is very important to develop personality of teachers as they can lay
foundations for Nation’s development.
Media Reports
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